Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco


En juin 2006, S.A.S le Prince Albert II de Monaco a décidé de créer Sa Fondation afin de répondre aux menaces préoccupantes qui pèsent sur l’environnement de notre planète.


La Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco (FPA2) œuvre pour la protection de l’environnement et la promotion du développement durable à l’échelle mondiale. La Fondation soutient les initiatives d’organisations publiques.

Les dernières actus Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

30 Mai 2024

In conversation with Chiara Petrioli, CEO of WSENSE

From ocean entrepreneurs to impact investors to innovators, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s Ocean Innovators Platform (OIP) brings you conversations with change makers dedicated to a sustainable blue economy.

In our latest interview, we sit down with Chiara Petrioli, CEO of WSENSE, at the last Ocean Innovators Platform during Monaco Ocean Week. WSENSE revolutionizes ocean monitoring with their underwater Wi-Fi and Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) technology.

Imagine: real-time data on water quality, noise pollution, and even marine life – all accessible through underwater sensor nodes. WSENSE makes this a reality, empowering us to protect marine protected areas, monitor construction projects, and explore the mysteries of the deep sea (up to 3,000 meters!).

Chiara, a leading woman in her field, also offers advice to young women considering science and engineering careers. Embrace technology as a tool to create a better future, and don’t be afraid to pursue a multidisciplinary approach in science and engineering.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

21 Mai 2024

In conversation with Brian Connon, VP Ocean Mapping at Saildrone

From ocean entrepreneurs to impact investors to innovators, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s Ocean Innovators Platform (OIP) brings you conversations with change makers dedicated to a sustainable blue economy.

Dive deep with Brian Connon, Vice President of Ocean Mapping at Saildrone, at the Monaco Ocean Week’s Ocean Innovators Platform. Saildrone revolutionizes ocean exploration with their long-endurance, low-carbon USVs.

In this interview, Brian unveils how Saildrone unlocks ocean secrets, venturing where traditional ships can’t. Discover how they gather vital climate data and explore solutions for mapping the entire ocean by 2030.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

21 Mai 2024

In conversation with Chiara Petrioli, CEO of WSENSE

From ocean entrepreneurs to impact investors to innovators, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s Ocean Innovators Platform (OIP) brings you conversations with change makers dedicated to a sustainable blue economy.

In our latest interview, we sit down with Chiara Petrioli, CEO of WSENSE, at the last Ocean Innovators Platform during Monaco Ocean Week. WSENSE revolutionizes ocean monitoring with their underwater Wi-Fi and Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) technology.

Imagine: real-time data on water quality, noise pollution, and even marine life – all accessible through underwater sensor nodes. WSENSE makes this a reality, empowering us to protect marine protected areas, monitor construction projects, and explore the mysteries of the deep sea (up to 3,000 meters!).

Chiara, a leading woman in her field, also offers advice to young women considering science and engineering careers. Embrace technology as a tool to create a better future, and don’t be afraid to pursue a multidisciplinary approach in science and engineering.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

21 Mai 2024

In conversation with Emmanuel Ladent, CEO of Carbios

From ocean entrepreneurs to impact investors to innovators, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s Ocean Innovators Platform (OIP) brings you conversations with change makers dedicated to a sustainable blue economy.

Emmanuel Ladent, CEO of Carbios, tackles plastic pollution at Monaco Ocean Week. Carbios harnesses the power of enzymes to biodegrade plastics, aiming to revolutionize the recycling landscape.

This interview dives into Carbios’ mission to create a circular economy for plastics. They’re scaling their technology beyond polyester, targeting a wider range of commonly used plastics. While challenges like waste collection persist, Carbios is partnering with industry giants like L’Oreal and Patagonia to turn the tide on plastic pollution.

Emmanuel emphasizes resilience and teamwork as key ingredients for entrepreneurial success. He believes Carbios’ innovative technology, coupled with strong partnerships and supportive regulations, can create a future free from plastic pollution.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

21 Mai 2024

In conversation with Billy McCall, Co-founder & CEO of Kintra Fibers

From ocean entrepreneurs to impact investors to innovators, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s Ocean Innovators Platform (OIP) brings you conversations with change makers dedicated to a sustainable blue economy.

At the Monaco Ocean Week’s Ocean Innovators Platform, Billy McCall, co-founder and CEO of Kintra Fibers, discussed his company’s innovative solution to microfiber pollution in fashion. Inspired by his love for the ocean, Billy created Kintra Fibers’ 100% biobased and compostable synthetic yarns.

This interview dives into how Kintra Fibers integrates seamlessly with existing manufacturing while minimizing environmental impact. Billy highlights their commitment to reduced emissions, recyclability, and ultimate biodegradability.

Learn valuable tips for aspiring eco-entrepreneurs and discover how Kintra Fibers is shaping the future of sustainable fashion

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

21 Mai 2024

In conversation with Luca Zerbini, CEO of Una Terra

From ocean entrepreneurs to impact investors to innovators, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s Ocean Innovators Platform (OIP) brings you conversations with change makers dedicated to a sustainable blue economy.

This interview features Luca Zerbini, founder and CEO of Una Terra Venture Capital Fund. Una Terra invests in European companies that are accelerating the transition to a more sustainable future. Luca discusses his background and what inspired him to focus on solving climate change and biodiversity loss through investment.

The conversation highlights Una Terra’s success stories, including a company that developed a paper bottle alternative to plastic. Luca explains how Una Terra measures both financial return and environmental impact, ensuring their investments contribute to a positive change. The interview concludes with a message of optimism, highlighting the growing movement of people committed to building a sustainable future.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

25 Avril 2024

In conversation with Luca Zerbini, CEO of Una Terra

From ocean entrepreneurs to impact investors to innovators, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s Ocean Innovators Platform (OIP) brings you conversations with change makers dedicated to a sustainable blue economy.

This interview features Luca Zerbini, founder and CEO of Una Terra Venture Capital Fund. Una Terra invests in European companies that are accelerating the transition to a more sustainable future. Luca discusses his background and what inspired him to focus on solving climate change and biodiversity loss through investment.

The conversation highlights Una Terra’s success stories, including a company that developed a paper bottle alternative to plastic. Luca explains how Una Terra measures both financial return and environmental impact, ensuring their investments contribute to a positive change. The interview concludes with a message of optimism, highlighting the growing movement of people committed to building a sustainable future.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

10 Avril 2024

Forests and Communities Initiative Conference – 22 & 23 November 2023

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

8 Avril 2024

Sommet de la Gastronomie Durable 2023

Lors du tout premier Sommet de la Gastronomie Durable qui s’est tenu le 21 septembre 2023, nous avons ouvert le dialogue avec des experts passionnés, issus du monde de l’agriculture, de la science et de la haute gastronomie. Découvrez leurs réflexions sur les enjeux de la gastronomie de demain et leur vision pour un avenir responable.

🇬🇧 At the first-ever, Sustainable Gastronomy Summit, held on September 21st, 2023, we opened a dialogue with passionate experts from the worlds of agriculture, science, and haute gastronomy. Discover their thoughts on the challenges facing tomorrow’s gastronomy and their vision for a responsible future.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

19 Mars 2024

Tides of Change

Dive deep into the fashion space as we navigate from understanding the industry’s environmental footprint to envisioning pathways towards a more sustainable and ethical model.

Walk away inspired and empowered to cultivate hope and change.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

19 Mars 2024

Marine carbon dioxide removal: From blue carbon to ocean alkalinity enhancement

The Ocean is a victim of ocean acidification, ocean warming and oxygen loss, resulting in severe consequences for marine ecosystems and the communities and societies who depend on them. But the Ocean, covering 70% of Earth’s surface, can also be a vital part of the solution and our ally to mitigate and adapt to climate change. This half day event will delve into the latest research on climate change impacts on the ocean and discuss potential ocean-based approaches to help address them, alongside imperative efforts to reduce emissions.

Moderated panel discussions with experts from science, economy, conservation, policy and business will debate the potential benefits and disadvantages of such measures, with a special focus on protecting and restoring blue carbon ecosystems (a nature-based approach) and on “ocean alkalinity enhancement”, the addition of alkaline materials to the sea with the goal to increase the ocean’s potential to absorb carbon (a technological approach).

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

19 Mars 2024

Ocean Innovators Platform

The Ocean Innovators Platform is an event dedicated to cutting-edge technologies and inventive solutions aiming at conserving the world’s ocean, seas and marine resources. Its purpose is to highlight the essential role of entrepreneurship, innovation and investment to develop a sustainable blue economy. The Ocean Innovators Platform strives to turn the spotlight on the most impactful solutions, while fostering dialogue and fruitful exchanges between high-level stakeholders from various backgrounds. It takes place every year as part of the Monaco Ocean Week but also in the framework of international events promoting sustainable development.

Retrouvez les dernières Actus Monaco Info et le direct

Monaco Info

26 Juillet 2024

Le 19H - Édition du vendredi 26 juillet 2024

Le JT de la rédaction de Monaco Info présenté par Sébastien Borgnat. Toute l’actualité de la Principauté de Monaco. Au sommaire : Yvette Lambin Berti, secrétaire Général du Comité Olympique Monégasque, nous parle des Jeux de Paris dont le lancement officiel a lieu aujourd’hui. Rodi Basso, Co-fondateur de E1 Racing, nous parle du 4ème round des E1 Series qui se déroulent ce week-end à Monaco.

Monaco Info

26 Juillet 2024

Paris 2024 : La délégation monégasque est fin prête

Yvette Lambin Berti, secrétaire Général du Comité Olympique Monégasque, nous parle des Jeux de Paris dont le lancement officiel a lieu aujourd’hui.

le direct