18 Décembre 2019

"Coppél-i.A." Premiere Teaser

PREMIERE DECEMBER 27th 2019 at the Grimaldi Forum, Monaco
Performance Dates: 27/12/19 – 05/01/20

For the end of 2019, Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo will be performing Coppél-i.A., Jean-Christophe Maillot’s new creation, marking his return to life-size storytelling. The Company’s Choreographer-Director revisits this famous Romantic piece, exploring the world of automata to examine the development of artificial intelligence in our society. Jean-Christophe Maillot’s Coppél-i.A. projects the audience into a near future in which two young lovers, Frantz and Swanhilda, discover carnal love in a society that demands ever more progress, security and hygiene. When eroticism irrupted in their lives, an artificial being shakes their certainties and challenges what they thought they knew of love. Is the ideal partner the flesh-and-blood creature we have always known or the abstract being which questions our position in the human species?

« COPPÉL-i.A. » – chor. MAILLOT
Choroegraphy: Jean-Christophe Maillot
Musical creation: Bertrand Maillot after Léo Delibes
Scénography, Costumes: Aimée Moreni
Lighting: Jean-Christophe Maillot and Samuel Thery
Dramaturgy: Jean-Christophe Maillot and Geoffroy Staquet

© 2019/2024 Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo

Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo

Sous la Présidence de S.A.R. La Princesse de Hanovre, Les Ballets de Monte Carlo sont dirigés par le Chorégraphe Jean-Christophe Maillot.


Création, formation et diffusion sont réunis à Monaco pour se mettre au service de l’art chorégraphique d’une manière inédite dans le monde de la danse.

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