4 Juin 2018
Monaco Blue Initiative
Launched in 2010 upon the initiative of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, the Monaco Blue Initiative is a platform for discussion co-organized by the Oceanographic Institute, Foundation Albert I, Prince of Monaco and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. Its members meet annually to discuss the current and anticipate the future global challenges of ocean management and conservation. This event provides a valuable framework for fostering discussions between business, scientific representatives and policy makers and for analysing and highlighting the possible synergies between the protection of the marine environment and socio-economic development.
The Monaco Blue Initiative held its 9th edition in Edinburgh, Scotland from April 8th to 9th, 2018. Hosted by the University of Edinburgh under the patronage of HRH The Princess Royal, Chancellor of the University, MBI 2018 gathered some 100 participants from around the world. Attendees from government and policy circles, international organisations, civil society, science and the private sector exchanged views and experiences around three themes: Blue Growth; Marine Protected Areas and Climate Change; and MPAs and Aquaculture.
The Scottish venue provided the opportunity to look more closely at the North Sea and Arctic regions, which present specific challenges and opportunities in the context of climate change and growing food and energy needs. The day opened and closed with addresses by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and H.R.H. The Princess Royal respectively, and featured keynote speeches by UN Special Oceans Envoy Peter Thomson and Canada’s Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Dominic LeBlanc.
➥TWITTER : https://twitter.com/MBIocean
Réalisation/Montage : Manaia Productions
Images : James Nikitine – Fabiano d’Amato
© 2018/2024 Musée océanographique de Monaco
Inauguré le 29 mars 1910, à quelques pas seulement du Palais Princier, le Musée océanographique fut créé par le Prince Albert Ier de Monaco (1848-1922), trisaïeul de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II.
Au-delà de son architecture remarquable, il se distingue par son aquarium de renommée mondiale, ses expositions événements et l'alliance de l'art et de la science. Lieu de culture et d’échange, où se confrontent les expériences autour de la protection du monde marin, le Musée océanographique invite chaque année près de 650 000 visiteurs à connaître, aimer et protéger l’Océan.
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