30 Mars 2017

SPORTELTech Panel II: "VR & AR in the Americas"

In association with Sports Video Group
There are two revolutions taking part in sports broadcasting: the launch of Virtual Reality coverage of live sports events and the integration of Augmented Reality graphics within a TV or cable broadcast. Both require new workflows and new technologies but both also create new ways to reach sports viewers and create a tighter relationship. Experts from the Americas discuss the role VR and AR will play in the sports industry.

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The World’s leading Sports Content Media Rights and Technology Convention.


Organised under the Honorary Presidency of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, SPORTEL is the stand out event that unites sports media and technology leaders.


For over 30 years, global top level executives representing broadcasters, international federations, sports marketing agencies as well as digital platforms and technology providers gather at SPORTEL to develop new business opportunities and determine the future trends and challenges of the sport business industry.

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Monaco Info

26 Juillet 2024

Le 19H - Édition du vendredi 26 juillet 2024

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