Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco


En juin 2006, S.A.S le Prince Albert II de Monaco a décidé de créer Sa Fondation afin de répondre aux menaces préoccupantes qui pèsent sur l’environnement de notre planète.


La Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco (FPA2) œuvre pour la protection de l’environnement et la promotion du développement durable à l’échelle mondiale. La Fondation soutient les initiatives d’organisations publiques.

Les dernières actus Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

27 Février 2023

The Monk Seal Alliance, Episode 4: Raising awareness on Monk Seal protection

🇬🇧 Awareness raising and education are key to changing behaviours. The scouts of Alonissos are working on it, to better protect the biodiversity of the National Marine Park of Alonissos, Northern Sporades (Greece), which hosts a population of Mediterranean monk seals !

Learn more :

🇫🇷 La sensibilisation et l’éducation sont essentielles pour changer les comportements. Les scouts d’Alonissos s’y emploient, pour mieux protéger la biodiversité du parc marin national d’Alonissos, dans les Sporades du Nord (Grèce), qui abrite une population de phoques moines de Méditerranée !

En savoir plus : Monk Seal Alliance

Partners: Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, Fondation Thalassa, MAVA Foundation, Fondation Segré, Fondation Hans Wildorf, MOm

#FPA2 #OurActions #MonkSealAlliance #MonkSeal #conservationaction

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

23 Février 2023

The Monk Seal Alliance, Episode 3: Local stakeholders

🇬🇧 Local stakeholders, especially small scale fishermen, need to be involved in the protection of marine resources. Look at how some of them have become spokespeople for the National Marine Park of Alonissos, Northern Sporades (Greece), which hosts a population of Mediterranean monk seals, thanks to the hard work of MOm and other field organisations. This project is supported by the Monk Seal Alliance.

Learn more at:

🇫🇷 Les acteurs locaux, en particulier les pêcheurs à petite échelle, doivent être impliqués dans la protection des ressources marines. Découvrez comment certains d’entre eux sont devenus les porte-parole du parc marin national d’Alonissos, dans les Sporades du Nord (Grèce), qui abrite une population de phoques moines de Méditerranée, grâce au précieux travail de MOm et d’autres organisations de terrain. Ce projet est soutenu par la Monk Seal Alliance.

En savoir plus :

Partners: Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, Fondation Thalassa, MAVA Foundation, Fondation Segré, Fondation Hans Wildorf, MOm

#FPA2 #OurActions #MonkSealAlliance #MonkSeal #conservationaction

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

20 Février 2023

The Monk Seal Alliance, Episode 2: Surveillance and management of Marine Protected Areas

🇬🇧 Most, if not all Marine Protected Areas, face the challenge of surveillance and enforcement of regulations. Focus on the National Marine Park of Alonissos, Northern Sporades (Greece), which hosts a population of Mediterranean monk seals. This project is supported by the Monk Seal Alliance.

Learn more at :

🇫🇷 La plupart, voire toutes les aires marines protégées, sont confrontées au défi de la surveillance et de l’application des réglementations. Focus sur le parc marin national d’Alonissos, dans les Sporades du Nord (Grèce), qui abrite une population de phoques moines de Méditerranée. Ce projet est soutenu par la Monk Seal Alliance.

En savoir plus :

Partners: Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, Fondation Thalassa, MAVA Foundation, Fondation Segré, Fondation Hans Wilsdorf, MOm

#FPA2 #OurActions #MonkSealAlliance #MonkSeal #conservationaction

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

16 Février 2023

The Monk Seal Alliance, Episode 1 : Introduction

🇬🇧 The Mediterranean monk seal is one of the most endangered marine mammals in the world, with an estimated total population of about 800 individuals. In light of this, a donors coalition, the Monk Seal Alliance was created in 2019, to support conservation projects and coordinate the work of field organisations at the global level. Find out more about our actions on

🇫🇷 Le phoque moine de Méditerranée est l’un des mammifères marins les plus menacés au monde, avec une population totale estimée à environ 800 individus. Face à ce constat, une coalition de donateurs, la Monk Seal Alliance a été créée en 2019, pour soutenir les projets de conservation et coordonner le travail des organisations de terrain au niveau mondial. Pour en savoir plus sur nos actions sur Monk Seal Alliance

Partners: Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, Fondation Thalassa, MAVA Foundation, Fondation Segré, Fondation Hans Wildorf, MOm

#FPA2 #OurActions #MonkSealAlliance #MonkSeal #ConservationAction

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

15 Février 2023

Ocean Innovators Platform, 3rd Edition

🇬🇧 Further to its successful launching event in 2022, the Ocean Innovators Platform will return for a 4th edition, during Monaco Ocean Week on 21 & 22 March. Two full days of fruitful dialogue and exchanges dedicated to cutting-edge technologies and inventive solutions aimed at conserving the world’s ocean, seas and marine resources. An event that highlights the essential role of entrepreneurship, innovation and investment to develop a sustainable blue economy.

In the meantime, we invite you to look back at the 3rd edition held at COP 27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, last November.
Stay tuned… 

🇫🇷 Suite au succès de son événement de lancement en 2022, l’Ocean Innovators Platform revient pour une 4e édition, pendant la Monaco Ocean Week, les 21 et 22 mars. Deux journées complètes de dialogue et d’échanges fructueux dédiés aux technologies de pointe et aux solutions innovantes visant à préserver l’océan, les mers et les ressources marines du monde. Un événement qui souligne le rôle essentiel de l’entrepreneuriat, de l’innovation et de l’investissement pour développer une économie bleue durable.

En attendant, nous vous invitons à revenir sur la 3e édition qui s’est tenue lors de la COP 27 à Sharm el-Sheikh, en novembre dernier.
Restez connectés…

#FPA2 #FPA2Events #BlueEconomy #BlueInnovation

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

8 Novembre 2022

2023 Environmental Photography Award : Open for Entries

The 2023 edition of the Environmental Photography Award presented by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is now open for entries.

Submit your best images today:
Across the 5 following categories:
❄️ Polar Wonders
⚠️ Humanity versus Nature
🌊 Ocean Worlds
🌳 Into the Forest
♻️ Change makers : reasons for hope

Deadline: January 15th, 2023

The Award benefits from the support of Barclays Private Bank and SEK International University.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

28 Octobre 2022

Meet the Judges – 2023 Environmental Photography Award

We are pleased to announce the panel of judges for the 2023 edition of our Environmental Photography Award. 📸 🌿🏆

🔹 Sergio Pitamitz, President of the Jury – conservation and wildlife photographer, National Geographic photographer for National Geographic Expeditions.
🔹 Javier Aznar – National Geographic contributor photographer focused on natural history and wildlife conservation.
🔹 Esther Horvath – National Geographic contributor photographer, photographer for the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, focusing on documenting climate research in the polar regions.
🔹 Britta Jaschinski – photojournalist specialising in crimes against nature.
🔹 Alexa Keefe – Senior Photo Editor at National Geographic magazine.
🔹 Alex Mustard – underwater photographer and marine biologist.
🔹 Ami Vitale – National Geographic photographer, filmmaker, writer and speaker.

Entries open on Wednesday, November 2nd.

Stay tuned!

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

25 Octobre 2022

Teaser : Environmental Photography Award 2023 Edition

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is pleased to announce that the Environmental Photography Award is back for a 3rd Edition!

Submission will be open from November 2nd, 2023 to January 15th, 2023, across 5 categories:
❄️ Polar Wonders
⚠️ Humanity versus Nature
🌊 Ocean Worlds
🌳 Into the Forest
♻️ Change makers : reasons for hope

Award Prizing:
🥇 Grand Winner: Title « Environmental Photographer of the Year 2023 » + 5,000 € + Invitation (including travel and accommodation) to visit the Amazon Research Station of the University of Ecuador, and to do a photo documentary in the field, in the heart of the Ecuadorian jungle + Invitation (including travel and accommodation) to the inauguration of the 2023 Award Ceremony in the Principality of Monaco
🥈 Category winners: 1,000 €/ category winner
🥉 Public Award & Student’s choice: 500€ each

The Environmental Photography Award benefits from the support of Barclays Private Bank and SEK International University.

#environment #photography #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #landscapephotography #fpa2 #photographycontest #photographycompetition

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

12 Octobre 2022

Two Poles, One Common Future – Renuka Badhe: Women in Polar Research

In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation together with its partners in The Polar Initiative – SCAR, IASC and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – invited polar scientists and specialists to give a voice to polar regions, calling for a greater protection of Arctic and Antarctic regions and for shedding a light on the benefit they represent for the Planet and Humanity.

Renuka Badhe, Executive Secretary of the European Polar Board, explains that « women have always worked in the polar research world », but over the last 40 years they have become all the more active in the field. Badhe tell us that in order to promote equity and equality, we need to understand the individual challenges of people, which is the first step to becoming a more equitable world.

Visit for more information.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

12 Octobre 2022

Two Poles, One Common Future – Richard Bellerby: Ocean Acidification

In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation together with its partners in The Polar Initiative – SCAR, IASC and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – invited polar scientists and specialists to give a voice to polar regions, calling for a greater protection of Arctic and Antarctic regions and for shedding a light on the benefit they represent for the Planet and Humanity.

Richard Bellerby, Director SKLEC-NIVA Centre for Marine and Coastal Climate Research, states that « ocean acidification is one of the biggest challenges that we have to date (…), that will cause the local if not total extinction of some crucial species within the ocean. » According to him, « we have get the message out », to the media and to the general public, as it is happening faster than ever before.

Visit for more information.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

12 Octobre 2022

Two Poles, One Common Future – Sian Henley: Ocean Science in Polar Regions

In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation together with its partners in The Polar Initiative – SCAR, IASC and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – invited polar scientists and specialists to give a voice to polar regions, calling for a greater protection of Arctic and Antarctic regions and for shedding a light on the benefit they represent for the Planet and Humanity.

Sian Henley, Reader in Marine Science at the University of Edinburgh, declares that in order to accelerate ocean science in polar regions we need « to work together as communities (…) it is only by having close links between the Antarctic and Arctic communities that we can achieve so much more ». Henley asserts that « without healthy and productive polar oceans, global society would really suffer.

Visit for more information.

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

12 Octobre 2022

Two Poles, One Common Future – Michael Meredith: Polar Oceans

In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation together with its partners in The Polar Initiative – SCAR, IASC and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – invited polar scientists and specialists to give a voice to polar regions, calling for a greater protection of Arctic and Antarctic regions and for shedding a light on the benefit they represent for the Planet and Humanity.

Michael Meredith, Oceanographer and Science Leader at the British Antarctic Survey, affirms that « polar oceans host key processes that influence our climate, our ecosystems and sea level all over the world. » In order to increase our ability to predict the future « we need to step up our game and collect more and better measurements and improve our computer models ».

Visit for more information.

Retrouvez les dernières Actus Monaco Info et le direct

Monaco Info

14 Janvier 2025

Bertrand de Billy transcende l’OPMC avec Beethoven et Bruckner

Retour sur un moment de grâce à l’Auditorium Rainier III : Bertrand de Billy a offert un instant hors du temps en proposant notamment une oeuvre de Bruckner qui n’avait plus été jouée par l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo depuis février 2011. _______________ MONACO INFO LE PODCAST : Site : X : _______________

Monaco Info

14 Janvier 2025

Journée du goût avec du chou rouge et de la grenade

Éveiller les papilles des plus jeunes en leur faisant découvrir les règles d’une alimentation équilibrée, saine et de saison : tel est l’objectif de la Journée du Goût et des Saveurs. Organisée par l’association Monaco Goût et Saveurs, cette opération a eu lieu hier, en présence de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II, du Chef Joël Garault ainsi que des élèves de la Principauté. _______________ MONACO INFO LE PODCAST : Site : X : _______________

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