International University of Monaco

International University of Monaco

26 Juillet 2024

Executive Education – Business English

👉 Elevate Your Executive English: From Intermediate to Advanced • The Professional English Program is a comprehensive 6-week program designed to enhance proficiency in using English for professional communication. • Through dynamic online classes, tailored coaching, and constant feedback, participants will focus on improving fluency, precision, and the culture of Anglo-Saxon communication in the core areas of business communication. • The course is tailored to help individuals upskill their English language and communication proficiency, providing strategies and techniques specifically aligned with participants’ core professional goals, taking them to the next level. • Empowering participants to be confident and efficient communicators in English, knocking down the language barriers so you can make a more meaningful and powerful impact in all areas of your communication in English.


L’International University of Monaco (IUM) est une école de commerce anglophone dédiée à la formation de futurs cadres et dirigeants originaires du monde entier dans des domaines d’activités à forte valeur ajoutée.


Elle offre des formations Bachelors, Masters, MBA et DBA dans des secteurs emblématiques de la Principauté : le luxe, la finance, le management international et le management du Sport.

Les dernières actus International University of Monaco

International University of Monaco

18 Avril 2024

MSc in International Management – Q&A Session with Program Director

👉 Organizations face unprecedented challenges and opportunities in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, characterized by digitalization, globalization, and constant technological advancements. To thrive in this dynamic environment, future leaders must possess a comprehensive skill set that includes innovation, strategic thinking, and cross-cultural competence.

👉 At IUM, we provide a multicultural setting that fosters a constant exchange of knowledge and viewpoints, enriching the academic experience for all students. By combining academic rigor with practical relevance, our MSc in International Management prepares students to significantly contribute to companies’ performance worldwide, all while promoting responsible and sustainable business practices for a better future.

👉 The MSc in International Management at IUM is designed to equip students with precisely these capabilities, focusing on five core pillars that address the key areas shaping significant industries.
This diversified approach ensures that graduates are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the global business environment from various angles, whether they aspire to be entrepreneurs, family business leaders, global trade experts, supply chain innovators, or real estate professionals.

International University of Monaco

16 Avril 2024

Finance Talent Days 2024 – Interview with a student

[Level Up Your Future: Finance Career Days 2024 Recap!]
👉 Thinking about a career in Finance? Look no further!

Career Days 2024 was a HUGE success, and students like Graziella got a head start on their future! Here’s what they experienced:

✅ Explore Top Finance Careers: Get insights from companies in Private Banking, Asset Management, Wealth Management, Audit, Financial Advisory, Private Equity, and Family Offices!
✅ Meet Industry Experts: Network with successful alumni and learn about their career journeys through virtual roundtables!
✅ Unlock Your Potential: Discover in-demand skills and future-proof careers through interactive workshops and company presentations!

▪ Graziella attended and is already reaping the benefits! ▪ She connected with amazing companies, learned about exciting opportunities, and even landed interviews!

Want a similar experience? Stay tuned for our Career Days 2025!

International University of Monaco

9 Avril 2024

Excecutive Education program on UHNWI Client Management – WEBINAR


• Unlock the secrets of Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWI) with the International University of Monaco’s exclusive executive education program designed for top-tier professionals.

• Our program is a sanctum where the elite of UHNWI client management executives converge to redefine the standards of bespoke services.

• Studded with insights from over 250 in-depth UHNWI interviews, this curriculum, led by the distinguished Prof. Dr. Phil Klaus, Top World 2% Scientist, offers a rich tapestry of strategies tailored to your high-caliber clientele.

• The focus is on understanding and actioning what matters most to UHNWIs to command market dominance, bolster revenues, elevate sales, and revolutionize client conversion while wisely cutting costs without compromise to service quality.

International University of Monaco

9 Avril 2024

Executive program on Customer Journey in the Yachting Industry – WEBINAR

👉 Chart a course for success with the International University of Monaco’s cutting-edge suite of executive education.

• Embark on a transformative journey with our specially curated program for yachting industry executives. Delve into the intricacies of customer journey mapping (CJM) to master the seas of UHNWI client management.

• By understanding and acting on key insights into UHNWI behaviors and drivers, you can enhance every facet of the customer experience (CX), boost conversions, and navigate your firm toward increased market share and profitability.

• Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Phil Klaus, a leading UHNWI researcher, gain exclusive access to strategies proven to streamline your path to customer satisfaction and retention.

International University of Monaco

3 Avril 2024

MSc in Sports Business Management – Claudio Ramondini

This challenging study program gives students the fundamental tools, skill sets, and insights required to understand the different Sports Industries worldwide.

Monaco is a unique place for international sports events. Students will benefit from a unique hands-on approach by participating in the numerous world-class sports events in Monaco: the F1 Grand Prix, the E-Prix, the Monte-Carlo Rolex Tennis Masters, Sportel, or the Peace & Sportforum, to name a few.

They will work on concrete issues and practice what they learn, applying the knowledge acquired in class to real-world challenges.

They will learn from the best academic researchers on Sports Management, from the US to China, and the new trends in Sport & Entertainment and Esports.

International University of Monaco

2 Avril 2024

MBA Voices – Kwame Amfo Akonnor

👉 Listen to Kwame Amfo Akonnor, Ghana, who is currently studying in the MBA program at IUM.

• Opting to pursue an MBA is a significant decision in life. Selecting the right one is even more of a challenge. This choice can make a difference to one’s personal growth and professional success in their career ahead.

• There are hundreds of business schools worldwide offering an MBA and dozens of excellent programs in Europe. So the question arises: How do you choose?

• Answers to this question should focus less on the school and more on the program’s objective. Hence, the real question is, «What do you want to achieve out of the MBA?».

• If the idea is to acquire the necessary business skills along with a diploma to prove it, then just about any accredited program will do.

• However, if someone wants to challenge themselves in an intensive program and emerge enriched with new skills, perspectives, and contacts, then one should consider the Monaco MBA.

• Set in the unique international environment of the Principality of Monaco, the Monaco MBA program experience stands apart from all the others.

International University of Monaco

2 Avril 2024

👉 Q&A session with the MBA program Director and curent MBA student

Learn more about our MBA program with Luxmaan Sellappah SINNATHAMBI, a current MB student program director, Marika Taishoff!

♦ Opting to pursue an MBA is a significant decision in life. Selecting the right one is even more of a challenge. This choice can make a difference to one’s personal growth and professional success in their career ahead.

♦ There are hundreds of business schools worldwide offering an MBA and dozens of excellent programs in Europe. So the question arises, how do you choose?

♦ Answers to this question should focus less on the school and more on the program’s objective. Hence, the real question is, «What do you want to achieve out of the MBA?». If the idea is to acquire the necessary business skills along with a diploma to prove it, then just about any accredited program will do.

♦ However, if someone wants to challenge themselves in an intensive program and emerge enriched with new skills, perspectives, and contacts, then one should consider the Monaco MBA.

♦ Set in the unique international environment of the Principality of Monaco, the Monaco MBA program experience stands apart from all the others.

International University of Monaco

29 Mars 2024

Siri Blomvik – MBA

👉 Listen to Siri Blomvik, Norwegian, who is currently studying in the MBA program at IUM.

• Opting to pursue an MBA is a significant decision in life. Selecting the right one is even more of a challenge. This choice can make a difference to one’s personal growth and professional success in their career ahead.

• There are hundreds of business schools worldwide offering an MBA and dozens of excellent programs in Europe. So the question arises: How do you choose?

• Answers to this question should focus less on the school and more on the program’s objective. Hence, the real question is, «What do you want to achieve out of the MBA?».

• If the idea is to acquire the necessary business skills along with a diploma to prove it, then just about any accredited program will do.

• However, if someone wants to challenge themselves in an intensive program and emerge enriched with new skills, perspectives, and contacts, then one should consider the Monaco MBA.

• Set in the unique international environment of the Principality of Monaco, the Monaco MBA program experience stands apart from all the others.

International University of Monaco

28 Mars 2024

Q&A Session – MSc in Luxury Management

👉 Monaco lies between these two countries and represents the ideal place where students can learn luxury in class and experience luxury outside class.

👉 Since 2006 IUM has developed the MSc in Luxury Management program, considering the needs of an ever-evolving segment and working closely with large corporations and emerging brands.

👉 The program aims to give students a strong foundation in Luxury Management, making them understand the theoretical framework, the principles of luxury dynamics, the luxury customers, and the luxury codes.

👉 In 16 years, the MSc in Luxury Management has trained a large, well-established alumni community that continually grows across scores of countries. These alumni now work in all luxury sectors.

👉 WHY you should consider pursuing an MSc in Luxury Management at the International University of Monaco (IUM):

1. Location: IUM is located in Monaco, a hub for luxury business and international commerce, providing students with ample opportunities for real-world learning experiences and networking.

2. Relevant Curriculum: The MSc in Luxury Management is designed specifically to meet the demands of the luxury industry, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of luxury management, marketing, and strategy.

3. Expert Faculty: IUM attracts top-notch faculty and industry experts, allowing students to learn from leading experts in the field of luxury management.

4. Practical Learning: The program at IUM is designed with a focus on practical application, providing students with hands-on experience through case studies, project work, and internships with leading luxury brands.
International Environment: IUM attracts students from around the world, creating a diverse and multicultural learning environment.

5. Networking Opportunities: IUM provides students with ample opportunities to build valuable connections with professionals in the field of luxury management through events, conferences, and networking opportunities.

6. Cutting-Edge Curriculum: The IUM curriculum is designed to keep pace with the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in luxury management, ensuring that students receive relevant and practical education.

👉 Overall, pursuing an MSc in Luxury Management at IUM can provide you with a comprehensive education in luxury management, valuable practical experience, and networking opportunities to help you succeed in your career.

International University of Monaco

20 Mars 2024

Msc in Sustainability and Innovation Management – Julie Ostmoe

International University of Monaco

18 Mars 2024

MSc in International Management – Q&A with a student

Listen to Lareen, a current MSc in International Management student, and learn more about this program.

The MSc in International Management prepares prospective managers and entrepreneurs to contribute significantly to companies’ performance worldwide while applying the purposes of responsible and sustainable futures to business operations in practice.

International University of Monaco

13 Mars 2024

Petra Bacova – MSc in International Management Testimonial

👉 The contemporary business environment is in full mutation; digitalization and globalization are reshaping every industry sector with new technology disrupting the old models. Organizations have to reinvent themselves to thrive in the new competitive landscape. To be active players in this profound transformation, next-generation leaders will need to combine agile management skills with an entrepreneurial and creative mindset to operate in the fast-changing global business ecosystem.

👉 The MSc in International Management prepares prospective managers and entrepreneurs to contribute significantly to companies’ performance worldwide while applying the purposes of responsible and sustainable futures to business operations in practice.

👉 At IUM, students will find a multicultural setting that nurtures a constant exchange of knowledge and viewpoints, enhancing the overall academic experience.

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Monaco Info

26 Juillet 2024

Le 19H - Édition du vendredi 26 juillet 2024

Le JT de la rédaction de Monaco Info présenté par Sébastien Borgnat. Toute l’actualité de la Principauté de Monaco. Au sommaire : Yvette Lambin Berti, secrétaire Général du Comité Olympique Monégasque, nous parle des Jeux de Paris dont le lancement officiel a lieu aujourd’hui. Rodi Basso, Co-fondateur de E1 Racing, nous parle du 4ème round des E1 Series qui se déroulent ce week-end à Monaco.

Monaco Info

26 Juillet 2024

Paris 2024 : La délégation monégasque est fin prête

Yvette Lambin Berti, secrétaire Général du Comité Olympique Monégasque, nous parle des Jeux de Paris dont le lancement officiel a lieu aujourd’hui.

le direct