22 Juillet 2024

Alumni Success Story – David Jakabovic

Listen to David Jakabovic, who shares his incredible journey in the yachting industry and how IUM played a pivotal role in making it all possible.

For those of you who dream of a career on the high seas, this video is for you!

David currently works at Morley Yachting. But how did this young professional land this dream job? The answer: the MSc in International Management degree from IUM.

He said: « before IUM, I wasn’t sure where to start. That’s where IUM stepped in. They not only provided me with the knowledge and skills I needed to succeed in the international business world of yachting, but they also helped me secure my very first internship!

Now, buckle up, because here’s the coolest part: My entire class at IUM was a melting pot of cultures. Every single person came from a different country. This incredible diversity opened my eyes to a whole new world of perspectives.

We learned from each other, challenged each other’s thinking, and tackled problems together. This cross-cultural experience truly prepared me for the collaborative and international nature of the yachting industry.

I learned how different cultures approach decision-making, problem-solving, and even basic business interactions. This global mindset is invaluable in today’s yachting world.

So, if you’re passionate about yachting and want to set sail for a successful career, then I highly recommend checking out IUM’s International Management program. It could be your launching pad for an amazing journey, just like it was for me! »

© 2024/2024 International University of Monaco

International University of Monaco

L’International University of Monaco (IUM) est une école de commerce anglophone dédiée à la formation de futurs cadres et dirigeants originaires du monde entier dans des domaines d’activités à forte valeur ajoutée.


Elle offre des formations Bachelors, Masters, MBA et DBA dans des secteurs emblématiques de la Principauté : le luxe, la finance, le management international et le management du Sport.

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