19 Avril 2024

International Hospitality Day – Excelling in the Luxury Sector

👉 International Hospitality Day celebrates the art of making guests feel welcome.
Understanding hospitality’s importance is key to excelling in the luxury sector.

đź’« International Hospitality Day celebrates excellence, a core value shared with IUM and its MSc in Luxury Management program, specializing in Hospitality and Event Management.

đź’« The luxury hospitality industry is a multi-billion industry encompassing various fields: accommodation, food & beverage, spas, meetings & events, cruise lines, yachting, gambling, entertainment, and transportation.

đź’« Being in the heart of the French Riviera allows international students to explore Monaco as an indulgent destination where they can understand and experience the critical aspects of the service industry.

đź’« Our MSc in Luxury Management program, Hospitality and Event Management specialization, offers a multidisciplinary approach: solid business, strategic, marketing, and communication knowledge combined with exposure to the practical side, thanks to the contribution of active professionals.

â–¶ Interested in this fascinating industry! Join IUM!

© 2024/2024 International University of Monaco

International University of Monaco

L’International University of Monaco (IUM) est une école de commerce anglophone dédiée à la formation de futurs cadres et dirigeants originaires du monde entier dans des domaines d’activités à forte valeur ajoutée.


Elle offre des formations Bachelors, Masters, MBA et DBA dans des secteurs emblématiques de la Principauté : le luxe, la finance, le management international et le management du Sport.

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26 Juillet 2024

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