28 FĂ©vrier 2023

IUM Career Days – Luxury Focus

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Listen to our MBA webinar focusing on Luxury, in which our adjunct professor and DBA alumna, Dr. Caroline Frisenberg, will speak with three MBA alumni who will share their career journeys, particularly about the transition from their MBA studies into a new career.

– Nazanine Matin graduated in 2014, founded her own consulting company N Creations, and is a Founding Member & President of the Think Tank in Monaco. She is currently working as Principle Business Consultant in the UK.
– Charlotte Barbotin finished her studies in 2015 and is today an entrepreneur with the companies, Investing in Gems and Charlotte.b jewelry as well in Monaco.
– Nokulunga M. received her MBA degree in 2020 and is co-founder of the skincare brand MonicasHaus and Regional Director of the Africa Policy Conversations in South Africa.

Listen to these impressive women and entrepreneurs and how the MBA program helped them reorient themselves and make important career changes.

© 2023/2024 International University of Monaco

International University of Monaco

L’International University of Monaco (IUM) est une Ă©cole de commerce anglophone dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  la formation de futurs cadres et dirigeants originaires du monde entier dans des domaines d’activitĂ©s Ă  forte valeur ajoutĂ©e.


Elle offre des formations Bachelors, Masters, MBA et DBA dans des secteurs emblématiques de la Principauté : le luxe, la finance, le management international et le management du Sport.

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Monaco Info

26 Juillet 2024

Le 19H - Édition du vendredi 26 juillet 2024

Le JT de la rĂ©daction de Monaco Info prĂ©sentĂ© par SĂ©bastien Borgnat. Toute l’actualitĂ© de la PrincipautĂ© de Monaco. Au sommaire : Yvette Lambin Berti, secrĂ©taire GĂ©nĂ©ral du ComitĂ© Olympique MonĂ©gasque, nous parle des Jeux de Paris dont le lancement officiel a lieu aujourd’hui. Rodi Basso, Co-fondateur de E1 Racing, nous parle du 4Ăšme round des E1 Series qui se dĂ©roulent ce week-end Ă  Monaco.

Monaco Info

26 Juillet 2024

Paris 2024 : La dĂ©lĂ©gation monĂ©gasque est fin prĂȘte

Yvette Lambin Berti, secrĂ©taire GĂ©nĂ©ral du ComitĂ© Olympique MonĂ©gasque, nous parle des Jeux de Paris dont le lancement officiel a lieu aujourd’hui.

le direct