21 Juin 2024

MBA Voices – David Pfeil

Listen to David, an American who shared his MBA journey with us.

👉 Why have you decided to join the Monaco MBA?
Professionally, I have been looking to expand my career internationally, but I have not had the opportunity with previous roles. While I can’t change the past, I can change the future, so I researched English programs with a solid international cohort and faculty. That is how I found IUM, where even the location is an internationally diverse profile. In class, global and cultural dynamics are part of the curriculum, and I am also working on team projects with students worldwide. The international exposure and opportunities have exceeded my expectations and are a highlight of my time here in Monaco.

👉 What are the strong features of this program?
IUM created a program incorporating marketing, finance, business, luxury, economics, global policy, entrepreneurship, strategy, and more. The classes build on each other to support the concepts and practices presented to provide a well-rounded and complete package. Each professor is a leader in their field, very passionate about their area of expertise, and clearly enjoys sharing their wisdom and knowledge with us. In addition to teaching, most also work in the area where they teach and share their global experience. They are also great people who consult with us on business ideas, provide travel insights, or enjoy a fun lunch discussion.

👉 What do you like the most in your IUM journey?
The Monaco experience has been fantastic. I have met amazing people at the school and the Principality who have access to the broader European experience and mindset and are surrounded by innovative thought leaders in the heart of luxury. I could not have this experience at the school in my hometown. My worldview has grown and made a positive, lasting impact. Monaco must be experienced in person.

David has over 25 years of experience in agency and Fortune 100 corporate marketing, where he has grown his expertise in leadership and delivering tangible results. Prior to IUM, he earned a bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University.

© 2024/2024 International University of Monaco

International University of Monaco

L’International University of Monaco (IUM) est une école de commerce anglophone dédiée à la formation de futurs cadres et dirigeants originaires du monde entier dans des domaines d’activités à forte valeur ajoutée.


Elle offre des formations Bachelors, Masters, MBA et DBA dans des secteurs emblématiques de la Principauté : le luxe, la finance, le management international et le management du Sport.

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