22 Mars 2023
MSc in Luxury Management – Q&A Session
Since 2006 IUM has developed the MSc in Luxury Management program, considering the needs of an ever-evolving segment and working closely with large corporations and emerging brands.
The program aims to give students a strong foundation in Luxury Management, making them understand the theoretical framework, the principles of luxury dynamics, the luxury customers, and the luxury codes. In 16 years, the MSc in Luxury Management has trained a large Alumni Community well established and continually growing across diverse countries working in all luxury sectors.
© 2023/2024 International University of Monaco
L’International University of Monaco (IUM) est une école de commerce anglophone dédiée à la formation de futurs cadres et dirigeants originaires du monde entier dans des domaines d’activités à forte valeur ajoutée.
Elle offre des formations Bachelors, Masters, MBA et DBA dans des secteurs emblématiques de la Principauté : le luxe, la finance, le management international et le management du Sport.
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5 Octobre 2024