12 Octobre 2022

Two Poles, One Common Future – Olivier Poivre d'Arvor: Polar Governance

In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation together with its partners in The Polar Initiative – SCAR, IASC and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – invited polar scientists and specialists to give a voice to polar regions, calling for a greater protection of Arctic and Antarctic regions and for shedding a light on the benefit they represent for the Planet and Humanity.

Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Ambassador for the Poles and Maritime Issues, Government of France, and President of the National Navy Museum, explains that the Arctic and the Antarctic are very different, in their essence – « the Arctic is a sea surrounded by 8 countries and, Antarctica is a land full of ice » – and in the way they are managed and governed.
« You cannot consider poles as a property or as a national issue, it is an International issue (…) we, the 50 countries involved in both polar regions, must care about making a common science because we need more knowledge to know exactly what will be the future. »

Visit https://www.thepolarinitiative.org/ for more information.

© 2022/2024 Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

En juin 2006, S.A.S le Prince Albert II de Monaco a décidé de créer Sa Fondation afin de répondre aux menaces préoccupantes qui pèsent sur l’environnement de notre planète.


La Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco (FPA2) œuvre pour la protection de l’environnement et la promotion du développement durable à l’échelle mondiale. La Fondation soutient les initiatives d’organisations publiques.

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