Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
En juin 2006, S.A.S le Prince Albert II de Monaco a décidé de créer Sa Fondation afin de répondre aux menaces préoccupantes qui pèsent sur l’environnement de notre planète.
La Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco (FPA2) œuvre pour la protection de l’environnement et la promotion du développement durable à l’échelle mondiale. La Fondation soutient les initiatives d’organisations publiques.
Les dernières actus Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
8 Mai 2020
A Green Shift? – Luc Jacquet
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is inviting personalities and scientists to open the window on post-pandemic environmental perspectives.
Luc Jacquet, Filmmaker and Founder of the production company Icebreaker, underlines first that « never before have we turned so much towards science. I believe we will have to keep this habit (…) Showing emotion is an absolutely fundamental thing, showing science is absolutely essential. » Building a society that takes into consideration the well-being of humankind, Luc stresses that we will have to focus also on younger generations who « have been traumatised by this experience; they have never experienced anything so violent. I believe that we will have to remobilise them extremely hard »
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
7 Mai 2020
A Green Shift? – Alejandro Agag
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is inviting personalities and scientists to open the window on post-pandemic environmental perspectives.
Alejandro Agag, Co-Founder and Chairman of FIA Formula E Championship, alerts that » We need to take this as a massive wake-up call. COVID-19 is an alarm that has to make us think of what the future can be. Because this crisis, which is of course very serious and very big, is a kid game compare to what we can face with climate change ». His conclusion is clear : « The time of words is passed. The time of actions starts as soon as we go over this crisis. »
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
6 Mai 2020
A Green Shift? – Laurent Ballesta
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is inviting personalities and scientists to open the window on post-pandemic environmental perspectives.
Laurent Ballesta, Photographer, Diver and Marine Biologist, takes the example of ocean virology to explain that when a virus « suddenly triggers an epidemic, this means there is an imbalance » and observes that « The only solution against a virus is diplomacy, cohabitation in a manner of speaking. Do what we can so that the species carrying it – us if we are referring to COVID – lives in harmony with our ecosystem and not think that we are able to live outside it. »
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
5 Mai 2020
A Green Shift? – Tim Flannery
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is inviting personalities and scientists to open the window on post-pandemic environmental perspectives.
Tim Flannery, Biologist, Paleontologist, Head of Australia’s first Climate Change Commission and Board Member of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, highlights that the biggest transformation « that our society will have to undergo to address climate change, is our source of energy. » before reminding us that « we should keep in mind that after the 2009 financial crisis, emissions rose 5%, because we’d failed to target the sources of pollution as we tried to rebuild our economy. We cannot afford to make that mistake again. »
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
4 Mai 2020
A Green Shift? – Jean Jouzel
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is inviting personalities and scientists to open the window on post-pandemic environmental perspectives.
Jean Jouzel, climatologist and glaciologist, IPCC
expert and Board Member of the French committee of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, urges us to “move along the path towards “carbon neutrality” by 2050. All investments that will be operational at that time should already focus on reducing our emissions and/or adapting to inevitable global warming. Countries that are the fastest to commit to doing this will be in a win-win situation, not only in relation to the environment and quality of life of their people, but also as far as economic vitality and employment are concerned.”
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
1 Mai 2020
A Green Shift? – Robert Redford
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is inviting personalities and scientists to open the window on post-pandemic environmental perspectives.
Robert Redford, World-renowned actor, activist, director, and producer, emphasises that facing this crisis “we are demonstrating that we are a global society, that can band together with bravery and support for one another, take bold action when it is needed most” and reminds us that “we are in this together and we must apply the same urgency and bold action to the threat of climate change.”
Photo 1: ©Marc Hom – Photo 2: ©George Pimentel/Getty Images – Photo 3: ©Eric Mathon/Palais Princier
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
30 Avril 2020
A Green Shift? – Maria Damanaki
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is inviting personalities and scientists to open the window on post-pandemic environmental perspectives.
Maria Damanaki, Global Managing Director for Oceans at the Nature Conservancy, Former European Union Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Board Member of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, reminds us that “Human is just a species on this planet.The most adjustable and powerful species but we will not survive if our way of life is against other species, against biodiversity, against ecosystems, against the nature itself.”
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
29 Avril 2020
A Green Shift? – Nico Rosberg
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is inviting personalities and scientists to open the window on post-pandemic environmental perspectives.
Nico Rosberg
, Sustainability Entrepreneur and F1 World Champion 2016, calls for a growth strategy based on green development, reminding that « individually, we can take some measures to avoid going back to just business as usual after the crisis. But major measures are required and we also need politics and governments involved to really put sustainability at the forefront of everything that is being done in a planning for our future »
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
27 Avril 2020
A Green Shift? – Julia Marton Lefèvre
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is inviting personalities and scientists to open the window on post-pandemic environmental perspectives.
Julia Marton-Lefevre, Chair of the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, former General Director of IUCN and Board Member of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, reminds us that » the crisis we are living now is a threat to human health, but is also a close relative to the other crises we have been talking about for years: the crisis of climate change and that of the loss of biodiversity, which are both threats to human health and to the health of the planet » and underlines that » going back to our old ways once we have solved this pandemic will not be enough ».
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
24 Avril 2020
A Green Shift? – Paul Polman
Launched in 2010 upon the initiative of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, the Monaco Blue Initiative is a platform for discussion co-organized by the Oceanographic Institute, Foundation Albert I, Prince of Monaco and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. Its members meet annually to discuss the current and anticipate the future global challenges of ocean management and conservation. This event provides a valuable framework for fostering discussions between business, scientific representatives and policy makers and for analysing and highlighting the possible synergies between the protection of the marine environment and socio-economic development. The Monaco Blue Initiative held its 9th edition in Edinburgh, Scotland from April 8th to 9th, 2018. Hosted by the University of Edinburgh under the patronage of HRH The Princess Royal, Chancellor of the University, MBI 2018 gathered some 100 participants from around the world. Attendees from government and policy circles, international organisations, civil society, science and the private sector exchanged views and experiences around three themes: Blue Growth; Marine Protected Areas and Climate Change; and MPAs and Aquaculture. The Scottish venue provided the opportunity to look more closely at the North Sea and Arctic regions, which present specific challenges and opportunities in the context of climate change and growing food and energy needs. The day opened and closed with addresses by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and H.R.H. The Princess Royal respectively, and featured keynote speeches by UN Special Oceans Envoy Peter Thomson and Canada’s Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Dominic LeBlanc.
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