Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
En juin 2006, S.A.S le Prince Albert II de Monaco a décidé de créer Sa Fondation afin de répondre aux menaces préoccupantes qui pèsent sur l’environnement de notre planète.
La Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco (FPA2) œuvre pour la protection de l’environnement et la promotion du développement durable à l’échelle mondiale. La Fondation soutient les initiatives d’organisations publiques.
Les dernières actus Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
12 Octobre 2022
Two Poles, One Common Future – Paula Kankannpää: Sea Ice in Polar Regions
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation together with its partners in The Polar Initiative – SCAR, IASC and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – invited polar scientists and specialists to give a voice to polar regions, calling for a greater protection of Arctic and Antarctic regions and for shedding a light on the benefit they represent for the Planet and Humanity.
Paula Kankannpää, Director of the Arctic Centre in Finland and Vice-Rector of Research at the University of Lapland, explains the central role sea ice plays in Arctic and Antarctic regions as they « produce the food for the whole ecosystem in Arctic and Antarctic regions and therefore central
The melting of sea ice is very worrying, because the consequence of it is loss of the species that depend on it.
Visit for more information.
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
12 Octobre 2022
Two Poles, One Common Future – Luc Jacquet: Cinema & Science
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation together with its partners in The Polar Initiative – SCAR, IASC and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – invited polar scientists and specialists to give a voice to polar regions, calling for a greater protection of Arctic and Antarctic regions and for shedding a light on the benefit they represent for the Planet and Humanity.
Luc Jacquet, Film Director, Oscar Winner, and Founder of Icebreaker Studios, strongly believes that cinema and art « can help scientists spread their message in the world » and be the « bridge between science and the general public ». Through emotion, cinema can more easily touch a person than scientific facts and evidence.
Visit for more information.
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
12 Octobre 2022
Two Poles, One Common Future – Romain Troublé: Poles Emergency!
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation together with its partners in The Polar Initiative – SCAR, IASC and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – invited polar scientists and specialists to give a voice to polar regions, calling for a greater protection of Arctic and Antarctic regions and for shedding a light on the benefit they represent for the Planet and Humanity.
Romain Troublé, Executive Director of Tara Ocean Foundation, has often navigated the polar seas with Tara over the years and has witnessed firsthand the changes that are taking place. The best way to get the message accross to the general public « we need to embark them on the field » for them to understand the emergency facing the polar regions.
Visit for more information.
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
12 Octobre 2022
Two Poles, One Common Future – Maxine Burkett: Polar Challenges
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation together with its partners in The Polar Initiative – SCAR, IASC and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – invited polar scientists and specialists to give a voice to polar regions, calling for a greater protection of Arctic and Antarctic regions and for shedding a light on the benefit they represent for the Planet and Humanity.
Maxine Burkett, US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oceans, Fisheries, and Polar Affairs, explains that « while the poles face similar challenges, we have different approaches to the two poles ».
In the Arctic, the focus is on « both sustainable development and environmental protection. (…) that will address health, economies and well-being over time. », whereas in the Antarctic, the focus is on « science, peace and environmental protection. (…) to protect the Antarctic from any kind of development. » Burkett hopes for « a future in which the poles are thriving, in which we ensure the kind of resilience that will allow for healthy ecosystems to persist for generations to come »
Visit for more information.
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
12 Octobre 2022
Two Poles, One Common Future – Olivier Poivre d'Arvor: Polar Governance
In a series of short video interviews, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation together with its partners in The Polar Initiative – SCAR, IASC and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – invited polar scientists and specialists to give a voice to polar regions, calling for a greater protection of Arctic and Antarctic regions and for shedding a light on the benefit they represent for the Planet and Humanity.
Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Ambassador for the Poles and Maritime Issues, Government of France, and President of the National Navy Museum, explains that the Arctic and the Antarctic are very different, in their essence – « the Arctic is a sea surrounded by 8 countries and, Antarctica is a land full of ice » – and in the way they are managed and governed.
« You cannot consider poles as a property or as a national issue, it is an International issue (…) we, the 50 countries involved in both polar regions, must care about making a common science because we need more knowledge to know exactly what will be the future. »
Visit for more information.
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
30 Septembre 2022
The Pelagos Initiative
🇬🇧 The Pelagos Initiative was launched in 2021 through a partnership between the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, @WWF International, IUCN , and MedPAN.
The aim of this initiative is to act as a driver to strengthen the protection of the Sanctuary that has already been put in place by Monaco, France, and Italy. Efforts to improve its protection could serve as an example of how to manage marine protected areas in the open sea.
🇫🇷 L’Initiative Pelagos voit le jour en 2021 grâce à une collaboration entre la Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, le @WWF l’UICN et le MedPAN.
L’initiative a vocation d’agir comme levier pour renforcer la protection du Sanctuaire déjà mise en œuvre par Monaco, la France et l’Italie. Les efforts déployés pour améliorer sa protection pourraient servir d’exemple pour la gestion des aires marines protégées en haute mer.
#FPA2 #OurActions
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
12 Septembre 2022
OACIS (Ocean Acidification and other ocean Changes – Impacts and Solutions)
🇬🇧 Launched in 2013, OACIS (Ocean Acidification and other ocean Changes – Impacts and Solutions) aims to study the effects of climate change on the ocean – such as acidification – as well as potential solutions that could mitigate these effects.
As one of the Foundation’s more technical initiatives, OACIS’ action focuses on advancing research on these topics, which are still poorly studied, on coordinating a network of researchers, and on sharing the scientific findings with decision-makers and the general public.
OACIS is also a partner of the International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World which begins tomorrow, in Lima, Perú.
🇫🇷 Lancée en 2013, OACIS a pour objectif d’étudier les impacts des changements climatiques sur l’océan, comme l’acidification, ainsi que les solutions potentielles pour atténuer ces impacts.
Parmi les initiatives les plus techniques de la Fondation, OACIS se focalise sur l’avancement de la recherche sur ces sujets encore peu étudiés, sur la coordination d’un réseau de chercheurs et sur la vulgarisation des résultats scientifiques pour les décideurs et le grand public.
OACIS est aussi partenaire du Symposium International sur l’Océan dans un monde riche en CO2, qui débute demain à Lima, au Perou.
Partners: @Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, @Centre Scientifique de Monaco, @IAEAvideo Environmental laboratories, @Musée océanographique de Monaco, Gouvernement Princier , @CNRS, @IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, IDDRI
#FPA2 #OurActions
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
30 Août 2022
@OceanX's research vessel OceanXplorer visits Monaco in honor of partnership with FPA2
The OceanXplorer’s visit to Monegasque waters on August 30th, 2022 celebrates the longstanding commitment between the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and OceanX to further ocean research, education, outreach, and conservation efforts.
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
11 Août 2022
Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'Océan : Gérer, protéger, conserver les océans
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
11 Août 2022
Retour en images sur la Conférence à Lisbonne sur les Régions Polaires – reportage Monaco Info
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
28 Juillet 2022
Carbon removal using blue carbon habitats uncertain and unreliable
❗️ New paper from the OACIS initiative : “Carbon removal using coastal blue carbon ecosystems is uncertain and unreliable, with questionable climatic cost-effectiveness” led by Phil Williamson and Jean-Pierre Gattuso bluecarbon mCDR
🔗Access full paper here ➡️
#BlueCarbon #ClimateMitigation #fpa2
Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco
27 Juillet 2022
Protecting and Protecting Planetary Health
Who are we?
🇬🇧 The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, a global, non-profit organisation, works around the world to bring humanity together to empower impactful solutions for our planet’s biodiversity, climate, ocean and water resources. Through our initiatives and the hundreds of projects we support we aim to build a more conscious future.
Every one of us has an opportunity to help progress Planetary Health for present and future generations.
Join us in building our legacy, together.
🇫🇷 La Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco est une organisation internationale à but non lucratif, oeuvrant dans le monde entier afin de promouvoir des solutions efficientes pour la biodiversité, le climat, les océans et les ressources en eau de notre planète. Au travers de nos initiatives et des centaines de projets que nous soutenons, nous participons à construire un avenir plus conscient.
Chacun de nous a la possibilité de faire progresser la santé planétaire pour les générations actuelles et futures.
Ensemble, oeuvrons en faveur de notre héritage commun.
Retrouvez les dernières Actus Monaco Info et le direct
Monaco Info
14 Janvier 2025
Bertrand de Billy transcende l’OPMC avec Beethoven et Bruckner
Monaco Info
14 Janvier 2025