Dernières actus

Diocèse de Monaco

30 Mars 2024

Saintes et heureuses Pâques !

AS Monaco Basket

30 Mars 2024

Les highlights 🆚️ Saint-Quentin J27

📽 LNB / Skweek

Diocèse de Monaco

30 Mars 2024

Église d'aujourd'hui / "Émission spéciale de Pâques"

#RMC #Eglisedaujourdhui #medias #culture #Monaco #foi #carême #pâques #resurrection #mort #vie #catholique
Au micro de Matteo Ghisalberti sur RMC Info, le Père Simon de Violet, créateur de la chaine @Catholand, vient nous parler de… résurrection en ce jour de Pâques !

Yacht Club de Monaco

29 Mars 2024

Superyacht Chef Competition – LIVE

Nine chefs working on 40+m superyachts have a rendezvous with the Superyacht Chef Competition.
Held under the aegis of YCM’s La Belle Classe Academy training centre, the competition puts the spotlight on gourmet cuisine at sea, another facet of yachting professions. Fully supported by their owners and crew who always come along to encourage them, contestants have to come up with dishes from a basket of mystery ingredients while complying with the contest’s anti-waste criteria. It is all part of the ‘Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting’ approach, initiated by YCM to position the Principality as a destination synonymous with excellence and sustainability in the sector.

9 chefs de super-yachts de plus de 40 mètres se donnent rendez-vous à l’occasion du Superyacht Chef Competition. S’inscrivant dans le cadre de « La Belle Classe Academy », le centre de formation du Y.C.M., ce concours culinaire a pour ambition de mettre à l’honneur la gastronomie en mer, une autre facette des métiers du Yachting. Bénéficiant du soutien de leur armateur et de l’équipage qui assistent au concours pour les encourager, les concurrents doivent élaborer la meilleure assiette à l’aide d’un panier mystère et en tenant compte d’un critère anti-gaspillage.

#superyachtchef #chef #monaco #yachtclubmonaco #superyachts

AS Monaco FC

29 Mars 2024

Les internationaux de retour après la trêve

Pour être au plus près de votre équipe, abonnez-vous !

Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo

29 Mars 2024

"Noces" à voir sur BMC STREAM !

BMC STREAM, la plateforme vidéo des Ballets de Monte-Carlo.

Visionnez dès présent « NOCES » chorégraphie de Jean-Christophe Maillot (évènement Premium). Retrouvez également des nouveaux contenus ! La capsule consacrée au spectacle « Igra » présenté pendant le Monaco Dance Forum par la compagnie Kor’sia, un nouvel épisode de Never Scene…

Accès libre à tous les contenus (hors événements premium)
Événement Premium : 5€. Ou abonnements à 12€ (mois) ou à 50€(année)

AS Monaco Basket

29 Mars 2024

ASVEL – Monaco (After-Movie) EUROLEAGUE

© Roca TV
Réalisation : Pierre MARSAL

Festival de Télévision de Monte-Carlo

29 Mars 2024

🌆💃 Nuit en Mouvement au #MonteCarloTVFestival #festivaladdict #actor #actresses #glamour #monaco

Revivez une soirée du Festival de Télévision de Monte-Carlo en 2022 !

International University of Monaco

29 Mars 2024

Siri Blomvik – MBA

👉 Listen to Siri Blomvik, Norwegian, who is currently studying in the MBA program at IUM.

• Opting to pursue an MBA is a significant decision in life. Selecting the right one is even more of a challenge. This choice can make a difference to one’s personal growth and professional success in their career ahead.

• There are hundreds of business schools worldwide offering an MBA and dozens of excellent programs in Europe. So the question arises: How do you choose?

• Answers to this question should focus less on the school and more on the program’s objective. Hence, the real question is, «What do you want to achieve out of the MBA?».

• If the idea is to acquire the necessary business skills along with a diploma to prove it, then just about any accredited program will do.

• However, if someone wants to challenge themselves in an intensive program and emerge enriched with new skills, perspectives, and contacts, then one should consider the Monaco MBA.

• Set in the unique international environment of the Principality of Monaco, the Monaco MBA program experience stands apart from all the others.

AS Monaco Basket

28 Mars 2024

Les highlights 🆚️ ASVEL R32

AS Monaco FC

28 Mars 2024

Olympique Lyonnais – AS Monaco – eLigue 1 2024 – 12e journée

Au terme d’une confrontation très serrée, Yaskow et AdRXx se sont inclinés face à leurs homologues de l’Olympique Lyonnais, et devront désormais gagner face à Troyes pour récupérer leur place dans le top 6.

Pour être au plus près de votre équipe, abonnez-vous !

International University of Monaco

28 Mars 2024

Q&A Session – MSc in Luxury Management

👉 Monaco lies between these two countries and represents the ideal place where students can learn luxury in class and experience luxury outside class.

👉 Since 2006 IUM has developed the MSc in Luxury Management program, considering the needs of an ever-evolving segment and working closely with large corporations and emerging brands.

👉 The program aims to give students a strong foundation in Luxury Management, making them understand the theoretical framework, the principles of luxury dynamics, the luxury customers, and the luxury codes.

👉 In 16 years, the MSc in Luxury Management has trained a large, well-established alumni community that continually grows across scores of countries. These alumni now work in all luxury sectors.

👉 WHY you should consider pursuing an MSc in Luxury Management at the International University of Monaco (IUM):

1. Location: IUM is located in Monaco, a hub for luxury business and international commerce, providing students with ample opportunities for real-world learning experiences and networking.

2. Relevant Curriculum: The MSc in Luxury Management is designed specifically to meet the demands of the luxury industry, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of luxury management, marketing, and strategy.

3. Expert Faculty: IUM attracts top-notch faculty and industry experts, allowing students to learn from leading experts in the field of luxury management.

4. Practical Learning: The program at IUM is designed with a focus on practical application, providing students with hands-on experience through case studies, project work, and internships with leading luxury brands.
International Environment: IUM attracts students from around the world, creating a diverse and multicultural learning environment.

5. Networking Opportunities: IUM provides students with ample opportunities to build valuable connections with professionals in the field of luxury management through events, conferences, and networking opportunities.

6. Cutting-Edge Curriculum: The IUM curriculum is designed to keep pace with the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in luxury management, ensuring that students receive relevant and practical education.

👉 Overall, pursuing an MSc in Luxury Management at IUM can provide you with a comprehensive education in luxury management, valuable practical experience, and networking opportunities to help you succeed in your career.

Retrouvez les dernières Actus Monaco Info et le direct

Monaco Info

22 Septembre 2024

Environnement : la Mairie de Monaco participe au World Cleanup Day 2024

Pour la seconde édition du World Cleanup Day dans la Principauté, les monégasques se sont mobilisés pour une opération de ramassages des déchets. L'objectif est de sensibiliser petits et grands à la protection de l'environnement.

Monaco Info

22 Septembre 2024

Chronique USA - Assemblée ONU

Alexandra PANI décrypte pour nous les enjeux de l'assemblée générale de l'Organisation des Nations Unies qui se tiendra la semaine prochaine.

le direct