Dernières actus

Festival de Télévision de Monte-Carlo

23 Février 2024

🏆 Cérémonie des Nymphes d'Or du #MonteCarloTVFestival 2023 #festivaladdict

Immersion au cœur de la cérémonie des Nymphes d’Or 2023 du Festival de Télévision de Monte-Carlo.

Diocèse de Monaco

23 Février 2024

CARÊME EN LIGNE 2024 / 1er vendredi de Carême / Jour 10

Avec le frère Marie-Ollivier Guillou, o.p.
#tweethomelie #carêmeenligne @ProvincedominicainedeToulouse #spiritualité #monaco #catholique

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

23 Février 2024

Polar Symposium – From Arctic To Antartic – Day 2

Polar Symposium 2024 From Arctic to Antarctic
22.02. – 23.02.2024

Join us at the Polar Symposium 2024 From Arctic to Antarctic: The Cold is Getting Hot! that will take place on 22 & 23 February 2024 in Monaco.

The polar symposium will convene, for the second time, leading scientists to discuss how, how fast and in what ways changes in our planet’s polar regions are affecting Earth climate, living and social systems and how this concerns us all. The event will inform management, policies and collective action in the poles and feed into processes at international and regional levels. It will serve as a landmark dialogue reaffirming the role of science in decision making and revisiting the critical role of the cryosphere in a changing climate.

The Symposium is being organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation with the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) as co-conveners, in collaboration with the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – the Prince Albert I Foundation, the Scientific Center of Monaco, the European Polar Board, and the World Economic Forum.

Recognising their expertise and work on the subject, a number of key partners and experts will feed the talks, including the participation of early career scientists. The Symposium is privileged as an in-person event and hosted at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and available on streaming. Convened under the presidency of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, it will reassert the priority of the Foundation for polar regions and amplify the call for dialogue across sciences and policies.

Read more here:

Find the full programme here:

International University of Monaco

23 Février 2024

MSc in International Management – Q&A Session

The contemporary business environment is in full mutation; digitalization and globalization are reshaping every industry sector with new technology disrupting the old models. Organizations have to reinvent themselves to thrive in the new competitive landscape. To be active players in this profound transformation, next-generation leaders must combine agile management skills with an entrepreneurial and creative mindset to operate in the fast-changing global business ecosystem.

The MSc in International Management prepares prospective managers and entrepreneurs to contribute significantly to companies’ performance worldwide while applying the purposes of responsible and sustainable futures to business operations in practice.

At IUM, students will find a multicultural setting that nurtures a constant exchange of knowledge and viewpoints, enhancing the overall academic experience.


22 Février 2024

SPORTEL rendez-vous Bali BEST OF DAY 1

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

22 Février 2024

Polar Symposium – From Arctic To Antartic

Polar Symposium 2024 From Arctic to Antarctic
22.02. – 23.02.2024

Join us at the Polar Symposium 2024 From Arctic to Antarctic: The Cold is Getting Hot! that will take place on 22 & 23 February 2024 in Monaco.

The polar symposium will convene, for the second time, leading scientists to discuss how, how fast and in what ways changes in our planet’s polar regions are affecting Earth climate, living and social systems and how this concerns us all. The event will inform management, policies and collective action in the poles and feed into processes at international and regional levels. It will serve as a landmark dialogue reaffirming the role of science in decision making and revisiting the critical role of the cryosphere in a changing climate.

The Symposium is being organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation with the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) as co-conveners, in collaboration with the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – the Prince Albert I Foundation, the Scientific Center of Monaco, the European Polar Board, and the World Economic Forum.

Recognising their expertise and work on the subject, a number of key partners and experts will feed the talks, including the participation of early career scientists. The Symposium is privileged as an in-person event and hosted at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and available on streaming. Convened under the presidency of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, it will reassert the priority of the Foundation for polar regions and amplify the call for dialogue across sciences and policies.

Read more here:

Find the full programme here:

Diocèse de Monaco

22 Février 2024

Le film du mois / "Cabrini"

#cinema #culture #Monaco #usa #saints #eglisecatholique #film #histoire #migrants #italie @sajedistribution8807
Le rêve américain ou le cauchemar… À vous de voir avec l’héroïne du film de ce mois-ci : Francesca Cabrini.

Diocèse de Monaco

22 Février 2024

CARÊME EN LIGNE 2024 / 1er jeudi de Carême / Jour 9

Avec le frère Marie-Ollivier Guillou, o.p.
#tweethomelie #carêmeenligne @ProvincedominicainedeToulouse#spiritualité #monaco #catholique

Festival Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo

22 Février 2024

PORTRAIT – Rencontre avec Varduhi Yeritsyan

Du 13 mars au 7 avril 2024

➤ SITE :

Accueil – Festival édition 2024




AS Monaco FC

21 Février 2024

Questions & Answers with Takumi Minamino

Pour être au plus près de votre équipe, abonnez-vous !

Fondation Prince Albert 2 de Monaco

21 Février 2024

Polar Symposium – From Arctic To Antartic

Polar Symposium 2024 From Arctic to Antarctic
22.02. – 23.02.2024

Join us at the Polar Symposium 2024 From Arctic to Antarctic: The Cold is Getting Hot! that will take place on 22 & 23 February 2024 in Monaco.

The polar symposium will convene, for the second time, leading scientists to discuss how, how fast and in what ways changes in our planet’s polar regions are affecting Earth climate, living and social systems and how this concerns us all. The event will inform management, policies and collective action in the poles and feed into processes at international and regional levels. It will serve as a landmark dialogue reaffirming the role of science in decision making and revisiting the critical role of the cryosphere in a changing climate.

The Symposium is being organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation with the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) as co-conveners, in collaboration with the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco – the Prince Albert I Foundation, the Scientific Center of Monaco, the European Polar Board, and the World Economic Forum.

Recognising their expertise and work on the subject, a number of key partners and experts will feed the talks, including the participation of early career scientists. The Symposium is privileged as an in-person event and hosted at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and available on streaming. Convened under the presidency of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, it will reassert the priority of the Foundation for polar regions and amplify the call for dialogue across sciences and policies.

Read more here:

Find the full programme here:

Conseil National

21 Février 2024

Séance Publique Législative – mercredi 21 février 2024

L’ordre du jour :
– Annonce d’éventuels dépôts de projets de loi, de propositions de loi et renvoi devant les Commissions, ainsi que d’éventuels retraits de projets de loi ;
– Discussion de deux projets de loi :
– Projet de loi, n° 1086, instituant un congé de maternité en faveur des travailleurs indépendants ;
– Projet de loi, n° 1084, portant adaptation des dispositions législatives en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux, le financement du terrorisme et de la prolifération des armes de destruction massive (partie IV).

Retrouvez les dernières Actus Monaco Info et le direct

Monaco Info

23 Septembre 2024

"Daghe" la boisson 100% monégasque

Créer une boisson fraîche 100% monégasque et sans alcool : c'est le défi relevé par William Scheffer et Anthony Orengo, soutenus par Arthur Leclerc, ambassadeur de la marque. Son nom ? « Daghe ».

Monaco Info

23 Septembre 2024

L’heure de la reprise pour l’AS Monaco Tennis de Table

Direction le gymnase de l’Annonciade, où les joueurs de l'AS Monaco Tennis de Table ont fait leur grand retour en compétition ce week-end.

le direct